ANSWER: A night out, once a month, where we meet at Perkins, have a drink and a dessert, and stamp 2 cards, all for only $10! Nothing else to buy. Stampin' UP! catalogs will be available for you to look through and ask questions. My may place an order, if you choose, but it's not expected.
Check out the flyer I made:
QUESTION: Who are Sandy & Bonnie?
ANSWER: Sandy and Bonnie are Stampin' UP! demonstrators who put together this fun evening, once a month, for everyone to get out and enjoy good company, great desserts, and a little stamping for little cost.
QUESTION: What do I need to bring with me?
ANSWER: You, a friend - if you'd like, $10 (per person), your adhesive (tape), and the expectation of having a GREAT time. Please note, to help keep the cost down, no envelopes will be provided.
I hope you are able to join us on Monday September 20th, at the Perkins off of 191, across from Giant and Walmart in Bethlehem, PA. If you are able to come, please let me know by September 15th, so Bonnie and I have enough supplies for everyone to make two cards.
Happy Friday!
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